
Getting Away by gringohomechile

I really should be packing right now but I couldn't resist posting a quick one. We're leaving for Buenos Aires (Argentina) in a couple of hours and hubby and I have been singing The Go Go's 'Vacation' (or is it The Bangles?) since we woke up at 7:30 this morning. Excited much?In our five years together we have never been on a vacation by ourselves, meaning without other people accompanying us. Even our short but sweet honeymoon was shared with two friends of ours. So for this, our first trip alone, we decided to go to a place that holds some special meaning for both of us.

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The Thief of Joy by gringohomechile

I kept thinking how nice this particular Fall has been compared to the past few here and I was attributing its nice-ness to the unseasonably warm weather. Today when I brought it up my husband reminded me that it's likely the weather has always been this nice this time of year and that we just didn't enjoy it before. I guess between dealing with car issues and money issues and homesickness we were never calm enough to appreciate the weather (or much else).

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In Full Swing by gringohomechile

After a two month-long vacation classes finally started back up again this week. Not that our relaxing summer vacation wasn't great, (it was!) but two months is a long time to go without a full paycheck or a schedule of any kind. I usually do much better when I have projects and activities going on and so this week we really jumped right back into it. 

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The Game Changer by gringohomechile

fter having the Suzuki for exactly only one year, we finally got rid of the car that had given us more headaches and trouble than the old rusty bucket, the Nissan Patrol (RIP 1983-2011) we bought when we first arrived.  We tried selling the Suzuki online as is customary here but no takers. Probably due to the fact that it had 11 owners in just as many years...Our new ride is amazing - it gets us where we're going without having to worry about wheels falling off or engines blowing up. It's a panic attack free vehicle and we couldn't be happier. 

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What Chile Does Best by gringohomechile

Meanwhile, all of Chile started preparations for the Chilean Independence Day ' Las Fiestas Patrias'. A week-long party that culminates on the 18th of September every year, Las Fiestas Patrias are basically a celebration of all that is Chile which marks the beginning of the Chilean independence process from Spain.  Every municipality and pueblo hold 'Fondas' where party-goers enjoy the 'Asado Chileno' (Barbecue) and stuff themselves with meat, wine and 'Terremotos', a crazy homemade wine and pineapple ice cream concoction that produces the most wicked of hangovers. Kids and adults alike dress up in folkloric Chilean garb and dance the national dance the 'Cueca'.

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