The Game Changer / by gringohomechile

Blog Photos - October 2, 2012 001

Blog Photos - October 2, 2012 001

Blog Photos - October 2, 2012 003

Blog Photos - October 2, 2012 003

Blog Photos - October 2, 2012 004

Blog Photos - October 2, 2012 004

Blog Photos - October 2, 2012 005

Blog Photos - October 2, 2012 005

Last Saturday something amazing happened. We went to Vina, dropped off the Suzuki at a car dealership and left with a brand new car (well, new for us anyway).There she is , the very pretty and supremely functioning Toyota Rav 4.We celebrated with some nice rosé, hummus and French goat cheese after because, why not?GOOD RIDDANCE. After having the Suzuki for exactly only one year, we finally got rid of the car that had given us more headaches and trouble than the old rusty bucket, the Nissan Patrol (RIP 1983-2011) we bought when we first arrived.  We tried selling the Suzuki online as is customary here but no takers. Probably due to the fact that it had 11 owners in just as many years...Our new ride is amazing - it gets us where we're going without having to worry about wheels falling off or engines blowing up. It's a panic attack free vehicle and we couldn't be happier.  Plus, now we can go on that trip to the South we've been wanting to take and bring the dogs along!This little car is a serious game changer - it affords us the ability to  think about things other than 'So, what is the next thing to go wrong with our car and how are we going to fix it'? I think it's the smartest thing we've done since we arrived and I couldn't be happier about it, finally!!!