In Full Swing / by gringohomechile

After a two month-long vacation classes finally started back up again this week. Not that our relaxing summer vacation wasn't great, (it was!) but two months is a long time to go without a full paycheck or a schedule of any kind. I usually do much better when I have projects and activities going on and so this week we really jumped right back into it. Thankfully I was able to give us a class schedule (I'm in charge of scheduling) that allows me and my husband to go to work and come home together on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. The past few years we've been like ships passing in the night with me teaching at a University in Playa Ancha and him an hour away at a University in Vina del Mar. This semester we've chosen to do fewer classes (hubby is also starting his doctorate program) resulting in less money but more time together at home. The house is really coming together too and it seems like all the summer watering and landscaping work my husband did has paid off!Unlike the fertile soil at home in P.A., the ground surrounding our house is dry and depleted from coastal wind, salt and pine trees, making it a difficult place to grow all the food we would like. Luckily we found a huge plot of workable ground and organic matter under a bunch of


trees on our property just outside our fence. Though litre is super poisonous to the touch the leaf compost that you find under the trees is perfect for making big beds. Right now we're seeding carrots and transplanting artichokes and tons of kale that I'll use for my green smoothies in the morning.

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Blog Photos - March 2013 013

Hope everyone is enjoying a St. Patrick's day full of day drinking and green beers! xo