
A Week Off by gringohomechile

As I sit here stuffed to the brim with barbecued goodness, I am truly excited to finally have a minute to write a quick post. Chile is in the throes of its 'Fiestas Patrias' (remember last year?) so we are all gearing up for an entire week off (!) to eat assorted meat products and drink red wine until we can no longer move. It's all very festive. And man, are we in need of a break! We both took full class loads this semester so we could complete some way overdue house projects and the schedules have us running ourselves a little ragged.  

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In Full Swing by gringohomechile

After a two month-long vacation classes finally started back up again this week. Not that our relaxing summer vacation wasn't great, (it was!) but two months is a long time to go without a full paycheck or a schedule of any kind. I usually do much better when I have projects and activities going on and so this week we really jumped right back into it. 

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