
Getting Away by gringohomechile

I really should be packing right now but I couldn't resist posting a quick one. We're leaving for Buenos Aires (Argentina) in a couple of hours and hubby and I have been singing The Go Go's 'Vacation' (or is it The Bangles?) since we woke up at 7:30 this morning. Excited much?In our five years together we have never been on a vacation by ourselves, meaning without other people accompanying us. Even our short but sweet honeymoon was shared with two friends of ours. So for this, our first trip alone, we decided to go to a place that holds some special meaning for both of us.

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Social Endeavors by gringohomechile

I don't always feel lucky to live in the country. While I don't think I was ever a true city person (as evidenced in my very brief affair with living in New York City) there are obvious perks to residing in the middle of it all. Delivery pizza and a bar scene come to mind. Though I've recently perfected the homemade pizza there is little to no social life happening in my small town. I mean, we don't even have a gas station let alone a watering hole (at least not one I would want to frequent).Don't get me wrong though, things could be (and have been) worse. 

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Catch Up by gringohomechile

I can't believe it's been two months since I've posted, I must be the worst blogger ever. The past couple months have flown by, between the holidays and my trip home I've been running around like a crazy person since my semester ended. Having officially been back in Laguna and on real vacation for a week, I decided it was time to finally play catch up here on the blog.For the first time ever, hubs and I exchanged gifts for Christmas. 

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What Chile Does Best by gringohomechile

Meanwhile, all of Chile started preparations for the Chilean Independence Day ' Las Fiestas Patrias'. A week-long party that culminates on the 18th of September every year, Las Fiestas Patrias are basically a celebration of all that is Chile which marks the beginning of the Chilean independence process from Spain.  Every municipality and pueblo hold 'Fondas' where party-goers enjoy the 'Asado Chileno' (Barbecue) and stuff themselves with meat, wine and 'Terremotos', a crazy homemade wine and pineapple ice cream concoction that produces the most wicked of hangovers. Kids and adults alike dress up in folkloric Chilean garb and dance the national dance the 'Cueca'.

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