
Rainy Day Thoughts by gringohomechile

We’re getting our first big rain storm of the season here today which means all five of us are cooped up indoors, trying to stay out of each other’s way. The rains we get here on the coast are intense and sometimes last for days on end. None of the roads that lead to our home are paved so the torrential rains have a tendency to keep us on house arrest. 

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The Thief of Joy by gringohomechile

I kept thinking how nice this particular Fall has been compared to the past few here and I was attributing its nice-ness to the unseasonably warm weather. Today when I brought it up my husband reminded me that it's likely the weather has always been this nice this time of year and that we just didn't enjoy it before. I guess between dealing with car issues and money issues and homesickness we were never calm enough to appreciate the weather (or much else).

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Catch Up by gringohomechile

I can't believe it's been two months since I've posted, I must be the worst blogger ever. The past couple months have flown by, between the holidays and my trip home I've been running around like a crazy person since my semester ended. Having officially been back in Laguna and on real vacation for a week, I decided it was time to finally play catch up here on the blog.For the first time ever, hubs and I exchanged gifts for Christmas. 

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