local farming

The Thief of Joy by gringohomechile

I kept thinking how nice this particular Fall has been compared to the past few here and I was attributing its nice-ness to the unseasonably warm weather. Today when I brought it up my husband reminded me that it's likely the weather has always been this nice this time of year and that we just didn't enjoy it before. I guess between dealing with car issues and money issues and homesickness we were never calm enough to appreciate the weather (or much else).

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Catch Up by gringohomechile

I can't believe it's been two months since I've posted, I must be the worst blogger ever. The past couple months have flown by, between the holidays and my trip home I've been running around like a crazy person since my semester ended. Having officially been back in Laguna and on real vacation for a week, I decided it was time to finally play catch up here on the blog.For the first time ever, hubs and I exchanged gifts for Christmas. 

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