
The Thief of Joy by gringohomechile

I kept thinking how nice this particular Fall has been compared to the past few here and I was attributing its nice-ness to the unseasonably warm weather. Today when I brought it up my husband reminded me that it's likely the weather has always been this nice this time of year and that we just didn't enjoy it before. I guess between dealing with car issues and money issues and homesickness we were never calm enough to appreciate the weather (or much else).

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A little inspiration by gringohomechile

I've been extremely lazy about posting lately - I'm going to chalk it up to a certain feeling that always creeps up on me this time of year, the overwhelming ending of projects and classes coupled with a homesickness that lulls me into this weird zombie state every holiday season. Wanting to be home and at the same time feeling guilty about not enjoying every second of the newly beginning summer here.

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