
Autumn by gringohomechile

After two weeks of running around like crazy people (work, hubby's new program, visa errands, tax errands, dog issues, etc.) we decided we aren't going to leave Laguna this weekend. Even though our work schedule is pretty light by normal U.S. standards, just making the drive out of our little town (it's about 30 -40 minutes to the nearest city) is a tiring hassle at times. Add dealing with bureaucratic government agencies, expensive, far away veterinarians and a stressful first week of classes to the list and you wind up with two grouchy expats. Today we caught our breath.

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In Full Swing by gringohomechile

After a two month-long vacation classes finally started back up again this week. Not that our relaxing summer vacation wasn't great, (it was!) but two months is a long time to go without a full paycheck or a schedule of any kind. I usually do much better when I have projects and activities going on and so this week we really jumped right back into it. 

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Catch Up by gringohomechile

I can't believe it's been two months since I've posted, I must be the worst blogger ever. The past couple months have flown by, between the holidays and my trip home I've been running around like a crazy person since my semester ended. Having officially been back in Laguna and on real vacation for a week, I decided it was time to finally play catch up here on the blog.For the first time ever, hubs and I exchanged gifts for Christmas. 

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A little inspiration by gringohomechile

I've been extremely lazy about posting lately - I'm going to chalk it up to a certain feeling that always creeps up on me this time of year, the overwhelming ending of projects and classes coupled with a homesickness that lulls me into this weird zombie state every holiday season. Wanting to be home and at the same time feeling guilty about not enjoying every second of the newly beginning summer here.

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Primavera and the Return of Optimism by gringohomechile

Spring has never been my favorite  - growing up in Pennsylvania, Spring usually consisted of cold days and rain. Also my hamster Spunky died in Spring in 4th grade and that really stuck with me (what can I say, I was a sensitive kid). Anyways, I've always been more of a Fall kind of girl. But this year, Spring has come with all sorts of exciting changes that have made me rethink its position as my least favorite season.

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