Autumn / by gringohomechile

After two weeks of running around like crazy people (work, hubby's new program, visa errands, tax errands, dog issues, etc.) we decided we aren't going to leave Laguna this weekend. Even though our work schedule is pretty light by normal U.S. standards, just making the drive out of our little town (it's about 30 -40 minutes to the nearest city) is a tiring hassle at times. Add dealing with bureaucratic government agencies, expensive, far away veterinarians and a stressful first week of classes to the list and you wind up with two grouchy expats. Today we caught our breath.

Blog Photos - April 2013 002

Blog Photos - April 2013 002

The sun was out for what I think will be one of its last appearances of the season so we spent the morning outside, reading (him, 'Educar a los Topos' by Guillermo Fadanelli and me, level 5 English Quizzes) on our summer chairs. We talked about pending additions to our house and I cooked a huge lunch. We watered our growing little garden and I watched the chickens trying to get it on. I Skyped with one of my best friends for over an hour too and our newsy chat got me thinking about friendships and change.Lucky for me I have more than a handful of friends who I've kept close - the ones who have evolved with me and just like couples (the really good ones), our relationships have matured with time. I feel like we're becoming even better, kinder and more suited to each other as the years add up. (Not to mention all the blackmail opportunities that have bound us together forever.) I cherish those ones. I guess living in a different country shows you who is willing to go the extra mile (or 5,000 - here's looking at you friends who have visited ;). The first couple years here it was so hard to accept that there were some people who would no longer be in my life because of the move and the subsequent and inevitable changes in my personality that occurred after. I think that's one of those little lessons we all have to accept but that expat life showed a little sooner than I was ready. I'm grateful I've finally made peace with it for the most part but I'll admit I still get pretty sensitive about the topic sometimes. Thankfully, I have another Skype date tomorrow. Hope you're all enjoying your weekend in whichever hemisphere you find yourself!