Primavera and the Return of Optimism / by gringohomechile

at the huerta (farm)

at the huerta (farm)

friends at the huerta

friends at the huerta

Caro and baby Lucas

Caro and baby Lucas

Japhy and his plants

Japhy and his plants

baby chicks and ducks

baby chicks and ducks

me and Emily

me and Emily

Peter on the new deck

Peter on the new deck

Spring has never been my favorite  - growing up in Pennsylvania, Spring usually consisted of cold days and rain. Also my hamster Spunky died in Spring in 4th grade and that really stuck with me (what can I say, I was a sensitive kid). Anyways, I've always been more of a Fall kind of girl. But this year, Spring has come with all sorts of exciting changes that have made me rethink its position as my least favorite season.Because we had such a wet Winter, everything is green and flowering like I’ve never seen it. We’ve been spending every Wednesday at a friend’s place (inland about 10 minutes) to work on our shared garden of tomatoes and greens.Carolina (our neighbor) had her baby, Lucas, at home (!) on October 18.All sorts of new life is springing up around here, including the new chicks and ducklings that have joined our clan.We're working a ton (and thankfully it's going well) but soon all of our big projects will be over and it'll be summer vacation again. Until then we've been trying to have friends out to our place to enjoy the weather and Chile's fine wines... In other news, my husband was just accepted into a doctoral program (Spanish Literature) at a great university here; I'm happy as can be that he's going to finish the doctorate he's wanted to complete for a long time. And, thanks to his hard work and a bonus he got at work, we'll  be enjoying the summer on s0me lounge chairs on our new deck (and I'm thinking, vodka lemonades?)The cherry on top of all the good news is that my best friend here, Lindsey, is getting married this Saturday and I was invited to be a part of the wedding. The festivities begin on Wednesday so look for celebratory pictures and a blog post soon!