
To My Little Girl On the Occasion of Her First Birthday by gringohomechile

Today is the anniversary of when I went into labor with you. Last year I stared up at the moon and asked you to make your appearance. As I walked inside, my water broke. On the day you were born I sat on stairs outside of the hospital with a friend who had come to visit; I had left you with my mom inside and for the first time since I had discovered I was pregnant, I was alone. Valparaiso smoldered around us – the fire that had started the day prior was the largest in the city’s history and I was a new mother, heavy with the realization that I would never really be alone again.

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Social Endeavors by gringohomechile

I don't always feel lucky to live in the country. While I don't think I was ever a true city person (as evidenced in my very brief affair with living in New York City) there are obvious perks to residing in the middle of it all. Delivery pizza and a bar scene come to mind. Though I've recently perfected the homemade pizza there is little to no social life happening in my small town. I mean, we don't even have a gas station let alone a watering hole (at least not one I would want to frequent).Don't get me wrong though, things could be (and have been) worse. 

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