
The End (A Beginning) by gringohomechile

I've wanted to write so many times over the past couple of months but have had neither the time nor the energy. I honestly can’t find time to do the dishes (ah, how I long for a dishwasher) so blogging has fallen way down on my list of priorities, right below ‘keeping up personal appearance’ and ‘maintaining contact with other humans.' Anyways, I’ve always tried to use this blog as a space to be honest about our lives here and I haven’t wanted to be a phony by writing half-truths, so I decided to keep quiet on all subjects until some decisions had been officially made.

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Social Endeavors by gringohomechile

I don't always feel lucky to live in the country. While I don't think I was ever a true city person (as evidenced in my very brief affair with living in New York City) there are obvious perks to residing in the middle of it all. Delivery pizza and a bar scene come to mind. Though I've recently perfected the homemade pizza there is little to no social life happening in my small town. I mean, we don't even have a gas station let alone a watering hole (at least not one I would want to frequent).Don't get me wrong though, things could be (and have been) worse. 

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