Social Endeavors / by gringohomechile

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I don't always feel lucky to live in the country. While I don't think I was ever a true city person (as evidenced in my very brief affair with living in New York City) there are obvious perks to residing in the middle of it all. Delivery pizza and a bar scene come to mind. Though I've recently perfected the homemade pizza there is little to no social life happening in my small town. I mean, we don't even have a gas station let alone a watering hole (at least not one I would want to frequent).Don't get me wrong though, things could be (and have been) worse. A couple of years ago I had even less social contact, making a social person like me go almost completely bananas. People usually think I'm joking when I point to the acquisition of my iPhone as the thing that made living here doable but it's true, imagined or real, this girl needs her friends. Then recently I started feeling like I needed more interaction with people in the flesh and so I decided to make an effort to get out of the house more. Thankfully my decision coincided with a boom in potential social events and I took total advantage. The last month has been full of meetings and meals and beach trips and catching up and letting myself enjoy a lot.A student of mine who is a Reiki master told me at a reading awhile back that I had to stop worrying and enjoy life more so I'm just trying that on for size right now. Stop worrying, start enjoying. Easy enough (note: the ease of this has yet to be determined).So, in the spirit of enjoyment this afternoon I am about halfway through watching The Life Aquatic (my husband’s favorite), stuffed full of pizza (man this is definitely a theme here), listening to the wood stove crackle away and I wanted to share some pictures from recent, much enjoyed adventures. Hope you like them![gallery ids="589,588,586,595"]A bunch of my girlfriends and I went to Maitencillo in May to celebrate/mourn a friend's moving back to the U.S. Maitencillo, a ritzy beach town North of Vina del Mar, is this particular friend's favorite spot and so we planned a girl's weekend away complete with a beach side cabin and lots of wine for celebrating. We stopped into the local fish market to buy swordfish, strolled on the beach and basically just enjoyed each other's company. The sunset was unbelievable too.The following weekend my neighbor Carolina and I traveled up North again to visit a new gringa friend of ours in Ritoque.Ritoque is one of those amazingly beautiful places where it’s hard not to feel completely at peace – the dunes that surround you are practically untouched and go on as far as you can see. There are 75 species of birds that exist here due to Ritoque's five ecosystems, wetlands, dunes, forests, coastal and valley, which make it an extremely unusual place.  I think a certain kind of magic envelops these special places. I’ve felt it traveling before in the Sahara desert and Iguazu Falls in Argentina. Lucky me, truly.To learn more about Ritoque and how to save the dunes from destruction due to commercial interests click here:

Hope everyone is enjoying their week!