
To My Little Girl On the Occasion of Her First Birthday by gringohomechile

Today is the anniversary of when I went into labor with you. Last year I stared up at the moon and asked you to make your appearance. As I walked inside, my water broke. On the day you were born I sat on stairs outside of the hospital with a friend who had come to visit; I had left you with my mom inside and for the first time since I had discovered I was pregnant, I was alone. Valparaiso smoldered around us – the fire that had started the day prior was the largest in the city’s history and I was a new mother, heavy with the realization that I would never really be alone again.

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Little things by gringohomechile

I can't believe it's MAY already. The past few weeks have flown by. The semester is halfway done and Winter is slowly approaching. Not complaining though, I love me a cold night and a wood stove. Hubs even started one of the two (!) house addition projects we're undertaking. I hope the combination of projects and doctorate work doesn't push  throw him over the edge. Sometimes that man bites off a little more than he can chew comfortably at one time.

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