
Almost There by gringohomechile

We're trying not to focus on the fact that we are financially strapped and that our addition won't be done before she gets here. I'm trying not to freak out about not having a crib yet. Or a wood stove for our addition to keep us warm when the nights truly get cold. I'm trying to remember that these things tend to work themselves out, that our baby will have everything she needs when she gets here and that we will be ready. 

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My Technologically Advanced Shower by gringohomechile

The day I found out I was pregnant I cried about the fact that I wouldn't be able to share the experience with my people back home; as far as pregnancy experiences go, the baby shower is a pretty solid one. My husband, being the ever practical man that he is, suggested a Skype shower and the idea stuck. So after much planning, about a week ago my best friends and family put together a baby shower for me in the States and I tuned in via Skype for the entire thing.

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So Far by gringohomechile

With me out of the house doing placement tests at the university all week and hubby frantically trying to get the addition sorted out and built, I haven't made much time to write lately. The progress he makes every day is impressive; I always come back to a completely changed house which, aside from the large mess that creates, is pretty awesome. 

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Additions by gringohomechile

This morning we went out early to harvest greens and prune tomatoes before the brutal sunlight heated the plants up too much. Plus it stays light here until about 10:00 PM so early it is.  I found that I'm totally out of practice and way out of shape for the squatting, kneeling and strange maneuvers associated with farming. My big belly also made for some awkward movements and funny balancing between rows. I was just so happy to be in the greenhouse with the smells of fresh tomatoes and basil reminding me of home.

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Reasons to Celebrate by gringohomechile

I feel like I've been smiling for 48 hours straight since our doctor finally revealed the baby's sex, a GIRL. I'm sure he had never had a couple ask to Skype an ultrasound before but luckily, he was happy to oblige us and even performed the entire check in English so we could all find out at the exact same time. 

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