
Reasons to Celebrate by gringohomechile

I feel like I've been smiling for 48 hours straight since our doctor finally revealed the baby's sex, a GIRL. I'm sure he had never had a couple ask to Skype an ultrasound before but luckily, he was happy to oblige us and even performed the entire check in English so we could all find out at the exact same time. 

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Lasso the Moon by gringohomechile

All three Christmases we've spent here were strange. It's tough to get used to the Christmas in Summer, Southern Hemisphere thing.  The first year (2009) we had just arrived and hadn't met any friends yet so we went to a gringo bar uptown where they served good beers and Mexican (NACHOS!) - I called my family on Skype on my iPod touch with no video.

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