My Technologically Advanced Shower / by gringohomechile

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The day I found out I was pregnant I cried about the fact that I wouldn't be able to share the experience with my people back home; as far as pregnancy experiences go, the baby shower is a pretty solid one. My husband, being the ever practical man that he is, suggested a Skype shower and the idea stuck. So after much planning, about a week ago my best friends and family put together a baby shower for me in the States and I tuned in via Skype for the entire thing. Small technological difficulty aside (thank goodness for Mac computers and patience) the entire celebration went off without a hitch.

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champagne and raspberries

champagne and raspberries

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We headed over to my girlfriend Maria's beautiful home in Quintay for the day. After trying on about five different dresses, I threw on the only thing that actually fit over my huge belly. Hubs came too as he was going to spend a couple of hours making artisanal soap with Maria (he has long wanted to learn how and she is practically a pro).I spent the next couple hours chatting in real-time with friends as they showed me the beautiful gifts they had brought. I couldn't believe the generosity of everyone and how after over four years of living in another part of the world, I still had so many people in my life who were happy to help us out so considerably. I just wish I could have tasted the food, I mean there were Georgetown cupcakes there! And a watermelon carved out to look like a bassinet! And baby ducks atop brown sugar body scrub as favors! It was seriously perfect and I couldn't have asked for anything more from the best friends and family ever.Unfortunately for my husband all the emotions of the day were just too much for my pregnant brain to compute and he was forced to console me the entire ride home. I guess that comes with the territory though!Hope you enjoy the pictures and thanks for reading!xo