So Far / by gringohomechile

It's been a hectic week here! With me out of the house doing placement tests at the university all week and hubby frantically trying to get the addition sorted out and built, I haven't made much time to write lately. The progress he makes every day is impressive; I always come back to a completely changed house which, aside from the large mess that creates, is pretty awesome. He has taken down the wood paneling on the interior of our house, replaced it all with drywall and painted. And though our bedroom is temporary (we're thinking it will become the baby's room once the addition is complete) he put in shelving units, built a new box spring and headboard and painted in there as well.



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The patio is being finished too - we screened it in and added storage space, (something we will definitely need with all of the little girl's new stuff we are accumulating!)



As the addition is basically doubling the square footage of our house it's a sizeable project and this is just the beginning. Trying to be patient while it happens but man, I'm excited to have some extra space in here. Plus once we have a crawling, then a walking toddler in here, we're definitely going to need it.

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Though I'd like to share more I have to run to my Skype baby shower! So thankful for technology right now. I'll share more in the next post! As always thanks for reading, xo