Almost There / by gringohomechile

I feel a little bit like a ticking time bomb right now - I'm officially 35 weeks pregnant today, which means that in a month (more or less) our baby will be here. I know of many women who say their pregnancies dragged on, that they couldn't wait for them to be over. While I might say that in another month from now, I'm really still loving and relishing this whole being pregnant thing. It most definitely helps that I live in a country where mothers get 6 weeks prenatal maternity leave (and five and a half months postnatal maternity leave, all paid) and that I have the freedom to do what makes me happy and relaxed almost every day. It also helps that it's the beginning of Fall, my favorite time of the year here, when all the 'summer complaints' (tourists) head back to Santiago and the crisp sunny days make my daily walks even more pleasant. We're trying not to focus on the fact that we are financially strapped and that our addition won't be done before she gets here. I'm trying not to freak out about not having a crib yet. Or a wood stove for our addition to keep us warm when the nights truly get cold. I'm trying to remember that these things tend to work themselves out, that our baby will have everything she needs when she gets here and that we will be ready. Mostly, we're just excited/terrified/so so happy. And to cap off a beautiful relaxing week I get to attend TWO more baby showers being thrown for me this weekend, one in the region and another in Santiago. We have some wonderful friends. Check back for pictures of all of it.I'll leave you with some addition and belly pictures, not done yet but getting there! :)

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