organic farming

Reasons to Celebrate by gringohomechile

I feel like I've been smiling for 48 hours straight since our doctor finally revealed the baby's sex, a GIRL. I'm sure he had never had a couple ask to Skype an ultrasound before but luckily, he was happy to oblige us and even performed the entire check in English so we could all find out at the exact same time. 

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Suerte by gringohomechile

The pregnancy wasn't a surprise but I think that even when you're trying it takes awhile for the reality of the situation to sink in. Like, we're actually going to be responsible for another human being in 5 short months. Someone I can't just put out on the porch when they are misbehaving. It's completely surreal and I imagine it will be until he or she is actually here with us. We keep talking about how lucky our kid will be too; having two passports and so many different possibilities as a bilingual (I hope) Chilean-American growing up in the beachy countryside.Most of all I'm just trying to enjoy this time in my life, even when that entails falling asleep at 9:00 and accomplishing only one of the 15 things on my to-do list for the day. 

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