The Last Days / by gringohomechile

Blog photos- march 2014 026

Blog photos- march 2014 026

Blog photos- march 2014 025

Blog photos- march 2014 025

Blog photos- march 2014 024

Blog photos- march 2014 024

Blog photos- march 2014 023

Blog photos- march 2014 023

I'm hoping this will be my last pre-baby post but who knows; she is our kid after all which means she probably won't really want to follow the rules ;)I've been physically good but feeling restless. I feel like I'm caught in limbo between an old life and a new one I know nothing about. I feel like I'm saying goodbye to someone, to the 'pre-mother me' and I guess that makes me nostalgic and a little sad. I keep thinking of all the things I may never do again - staying up all night in a strange city with new people, spontaneously taking a trip (spontaneously doing anything...), smoking a cigarette in a car with the windows down and the music blasting with my best friend. Although to be honest, I don't really do these things anymore. In reality I think I've been gearing up for this for some time, whether I realized it or not. More than anything I think knowing that in a week or so, someone else's life and happiness will mean far more than my own, and that my own self-interest (and that of my husband of course) will no longer be the guiding force in our lives, scares me a little. I hope that's normal.I also can't wait to see her face. The face of the little person who has been kicking and prodding me for the last 9 months. I can't wait to find out if she has her dad's affinity for dirt and books and animals or my love of the water. Or maybe she will be a hybrid, or maybe she will be nothing like either of us and it'll throw me for a total loop. Either way I know that we have a crazy, amazing journey ahead of us and ready or not we're about to become parents. I'll let you know when she's here!I'll leave you with some pictures of my husband being a total babe, chopping wood to clear greenhouse space. And a picture of me in front of the fire at 39 weeks.xo