Whirlwind / by gringohomechile

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I've been meaning to write for days but couldn't seem to find a good time to sit down. She is finally sleeping in her bassinet, which she usually dislikes, so I probably have about five minutes before she's hungry again. These last three weeks have been intense and beautiful and incredibly challenging in about a thousand different ways. Her birth on April 11 went completely different from planned of course but was amazing nonetheless.  Though the birth itself was somewhat traumatic at the end, the 48 hour public hospital stay following the birth (that took place during a natural disaster,) was tougher. I'll be sharing the birth story later but for now I'll just share some thoughts and pictures of our daughter, Lucia Amada.

I clearly can't say this objectively but she is the most beautiful baby I've ever seen ;)She is a champion nurser and has gained so much weight the pediatrician said my milk 'must be spectacular' thankyouverymuch.She makes ridiculous faces when she sleeps and looks so much like her dad it's crazy.My mom came and left and I mourned her leaving for days.I am thrilled and amazed watching my body transform itself again. Hopefully I can burn my maternity clothing soon.Both hubby and I are totally sleep deprived (duh) and also a bit stressed about our future here in Chile. It's true, having a baby does change everything.At least that's what my hormones are telling me.And lastly, how do mothers find time to brush their hair/shower/do anything? Don't even get me started on mothers of multiple children. I just can't. They are superheroes.And that's about all I can get out today, she's waking up and I've got to run!As always, thanks for reading and I promise to post the birth story soon. It's a long one!xo