And Now We Wait / by gringohomechile

Blog photos- march 2014 002

Blog photos- march 2014 002

Now I know what they mean when they say the last month of pregnancy is the toughest one.I'm three weeks away from my due date (April 4) and I'm getting all kinds of nervous/anxious/excited here. I'm trying to get everything prepared before she comes, though I actually think this is impossible and is really just my way to have some semblance of control before our lives are flipped upside down. My to-do list sits unfinished most days because things I used to do in an hour take. all. day.  (most likely attributed to the fact that I'm the size of a small house).  So besides being a slow-moving ball of emotions, I'm also getting a little grumpy.Thankfully my husband is being patient x 1,000 and is working like a crazy person trying to complete the addition before the other little addition gets here. He forces me to rest and relax every day and is generally just the best guy ever.

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Blog photos- march 2014 008

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Blog photos- march 2014 014

The addition is really coming along. Drywall is up and the wood stove is bought. In a few days it'll finally be ready for a nesting pregnant woman to be unleashed onto it. I can't wait to organize.I also wanted to share a few photos of my baby showers from a few weeks back. I was gifted such sweet and practical presents and just had a blast at both. I even indulged in a few (too many) cupcakes and a delicious grapefruit mimosa. Don't judge. I'm one lucky lady for sure.And now we wait. As of yesterday I'm full-term and safe for my home birth at any time. I'm still hoping she stays put for  a couple more weeks to fatten up though (and so I can finally clean my floors).thanks for reading as always,xo