
Scratch by gringohomechile

My bleary eyes can barely read the message on my computer screen – I haven’t had my first (of the eventual four) cup of coffee yet – but I can already tell it’s not good. I swing my now toddler-sized baby from my right to left hip and scroll down to find more bad news; the municipality inspector who came out to view our property yesterday has said there really is no way to legalize our Chilean home, a crushing realization that puts the final nail in the coffin on a dream we thought would equate with monetary compensation, if we chose to sell rather than stay. Shit. After being up all night with my teething daughter, I don’t even have the words to respond.

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Weekend by gringohomechile

For the first time in months I was able to keep up with my husband while doing farm work yesterday. The energy everyone told me would come has finally arrived and I'm SO happy... after feeling like a walking hangover for the last few months, this break is much appreciated.We took advantage of a weekend without plans or running around and decided to finish the greenhouse. It's not huge (it's 10 feet x 30 feet) but it's big enough for us to keep ourselves in tomatoes, cucumbers and basil for the summer and greens in the winter.

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