
Post En Route by gringohomechile

The last few weeks have been crazy and though I've had a bunch of things to say unfortunately laziness has won out over blogging. My only excuse is that our car was in the shop for eighteen days during which we were working every day. Additionally, there happened to be a rain front (or whatever it's called when it rains every single day) that came through at exactly the same time. 

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The Beginning by gringohomechile

Our groundbreaking trip was at the end of May 2010. We packed up everything into the Beast and hit Route 68. I remember I had had a little too much wine the night before and was feeling pretty uneasy and actually physically ill as we started up the curvy, fog filled road into Laguna Verde. After arriving in the pueblo of Laguna it took us an extra hour to get to our property because we had forgotten how to get to our new place. The roads were (and still are) basically dirt paths in the woods wide enough for a car and a horse to pass each other, but not wide enough for two cars to pass each other. With the determination of new landowners, we finally found a road we knew and arrived at our destination. 

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