Post En Route / by gringohomechile

The last few weeks have been crazy and though I've had a bunch of things to say unfortunately laziness has won out over blogging. My only excuse is that our car was in the shop for eighteen days during which we were working every day. Additionally, there happened to be a rain front (or whatever it's called when it rains every single day) that came through at exactly the same time. That situation led to this situation:

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And it wasn't fun. That's a mile walk to a bus stop in the mud (even more challenging at night)! We finally got the car back a couple days ago.

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In positive news, we've been making more friends here in Valparaiso. I took a photo as evidence.

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Also, this happened.

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I'm currently on my way to Santiago because I have a friend from the US of A coming to visit (just in time for 4th of July). So excited to have the whole week off to do touristy things with her. Pictures to follow.(typical bus issue; I ended up helping push)

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Have a great week everybody!