
The Story by gringohomechile

We all piled into my midwife’s car and my husband followed in ours. I was basically 10 cm at this point, having intense, almost pushing contractions, speeding down miles of incredibly bumpy dirt roads. When we finally got into Valparaiso I remember looking at all of the college students coming out of the clubs and bars on Errazuriz street, feeling very strange that something so life-changing was happening to me while these kids stood five feet away, going about the very normal business of having a good time. It was surreal because I knew I most likely wouldn’t be them ever again, at least not in the same way.

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Weather Woes by gringohomechile

This year it feels like summer is reluctant to come. Some days the sun comes out and I happily start packing away my worn out sweaters, only to retrieve them from their boxes the following day. Every morning begins gray and dull like Winter in Pennsylvania but minus the central heating. Every night I hope for sun because man, I am ready for it.

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