
The Opposite of Complaining by gringohomechile

Too often I find myself complaining here. If it's not one thing it's another - the mechanics suck, the food isn't spicy enough, the education is lousy, blah blah blah. And though some of my complaints may be valid (the mechanic one) I hardly think Chile is to blame for everything - I mean, I'm pretty sure they have cars break down in the U.S. too (but you couldn't prove it by me). I guess the problem is that I've always thought of myself as a pretty open-minded person, fairly well-traveled, liberal, accepting, etc. but like I said, lately I've caught myself being super judge-y about all things Chilean. Even though my snarky remarks are almost always in my head (or said to an American friend) they are seriously counter-productive when I'm trying to live my life here.

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