Attitude Adjustment by gringohomechile

This weekend we decided we needed a bit of a change in perspective. We had been arguing over the usual stuff; my unhappiness over our situation mostly and my husband's feeling of responsibility for that. Poor guy. It's been really stressful these past almost three years to say the least and it was our breaking point. Something had to give. So, we decided to start working on the one thing that we were actually in control of - our attitudes.

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Dinner and a Movie by gringohomechile

We fired up the wood stove again last night - its been collecting dust since last Winter. Made something like Thanksgiving dinner (for Easter), which I guess makes sense as we live on the bottom of the world now. And everything, including seasons, is pretty backwards here. Even a seemingly relaxing activity requires patience and restraint. 

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Why Chile? by gringohomechile

As of today we have officially been here two years and four months to the day (not that I'm counting...) and man have we got stories. I think we could write a book at this point. Lately the title of said book wavers between:

Hey, it could be worse


What were we thinking?

But again, at least we keep it interesting. 

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